Today's Weather:
Image can be found here
Humidity: 80 %
Wind speed: 14mph (south)
Visibility: 9.0 miles
Average temperature: 63 F
Dew Point: 59 F
Pressure: 29.94
Precipitation: 0.08 in
Event: rain and thunderstorm
For more information click here
Tornado Hit:
Image look out here
Many authorities say that the terrorizing tornadoes through Arkansas have left devastation. A state department of emergency management spokeswoman says the death was reported friday the 30th of April in Van Buren county. Three mobile homes were destroyed 75 miles away from Little Rock. This tornado left one person dead, injured more than two dozen and destroyed man homes.
To learn more about the tornadoes in Arkansas Click Here
Video From Youtube over the destruction of the Tornado: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2P00xxx77k)
Today's Weather has been a bummer day. Skies cloudy with high windspeed. Rainstorms and thunderstorms approached throughout the day. The temperature is in the low 60's F. From the rain and the temperature above the Dew Point, it is quite humid. Around 1:50pm, the sun came out. The pressure is falling, meaning that our chance of thunderstorm tomorrow is possible. Along with a unpredictable day again tomorrow.
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